Four Thousand Rents of Mount Huangshan Mountain by Wang Xiliang/Wang Cai

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Four Thousand Rents of Mount Huangshan Mountain by Wang Xiliang/Wang Cai

Auction Information

Product:Four Thousand Rents of Mount Huangshan Mountain by Wang Xiliang/Wang Cai


Starting Price:SGD:50,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:81cm W:44cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wang Xiliang, originally from Yixian County, Anhui Province, was born in Jingdezhen. Senior Craft Artist, Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts, and Member of China Artists Association. He came from a "ceramic family" and studied under his uncle Mr. Wang Dafan (one of the eight friends of Zhushan) in his childhood. He was deeply influenced by his uncle's art and became acquainted with porcelain. This porcelain plate painting recognizes four thousand feet of Mount Huangshan Mountain, thirty-two lotus peaks, red rocks with stone columns, and golden lotus buds. At the age of Xinchou, in June Wang Xiliang and Wang Caizuo wrote. Well preserved, with complex and elegant brushstrokes, a dignified, ancient and profound style, it has extremely high historical significance and collection value!