Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Green Glazed Sunflower Petal Wash

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Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Green Glazed Sunflower Petal Wash

Auction Information

Product:Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Green Glazed Sunflower Petal Wash


Starting Price:SGD:4,240,000

Transaction Price:SGD:4,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This sunflower petal washed porcelain body is slim and straight, with a neat and precise shape, beautiful and smooth lines. The blue glaze thickens to the edge of the mouth and gradually thins, creating a delicate texture that is irresistible. The glaze color is azure and translucent blue, with a glossy luster and a smooth touch. The design is simple and elegant, without any unnecessary decorations. It is only complemented by natural ice cracks and sparsity, flawless and beautiful, highlighting the exquisite craftsmanship of the porcelain craftsman. The entire piece is as if carved from crystal clear jade, exquisite as heaven. The continued use of such simple and elegant utensils in the Southern Song Dynasty, rather than pursuing a superficial appearance, is a testament to the continuation of the royal taste and style of the two Song dynasties.