Ming Jiajing Huang Shang Hong Ying Xi Gai Can

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Ming Jiajing Huang Shang Hong Ying Xi Gai Can

Auction Information

Product:Ming Jiajing Huang Shang Hong Ying Xi Gai Can


Starting Price:SGD:6,610,000

Transaction Price:SGD:6,800,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The "yellow and red" precious porcelain from the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is a precious colored porcelain variety in the development history of imperial porcelain in China. Due to its complex production process, it is only used by the court, and its current quantity is very rare and particularly precious. It is made on plain porcelain with a solid yellow glaze as the base color, and is covered with alum red on top of the outlined patterns. Yellow glaze on the bottom and alum red on the top. The whole vessel features a large area of alum red as the ground color, highlighting the noble yellow colored decoration, which forms a red and yellow colored decoration from the surface of the finished vessel. Porcelain with this color combination is commonly known as "yellow on red", also known as "red ground yellow color" porcelain. The use of alum red and delicate yellow colored materials combined with fired glaze colors can highlight the nobility of imperial porcelain, because in the ancient feudal imperial era, the yellow glaze representing the color of the emperor could only be used by the imperial family in the palace. Therefore, the "yellow with red" series of colored porcelain was specially fired by the Ming Dynasty Palace Office for imperial use. The "Yellow and Red" series of imperial colored porcelain created and fired by the Jiajing Dynasty required three rounds of kiln firing to complete, with high technical requirements and extremely low yield. The craftsman first writes patterns on the drawn embryos using blue and white materials, covers them with transparent glaze, and enters the kiln to burn the plain porcelain at a high temperature of nearly 1300 ° C. Then, the plain porcelain is poured with yellow glaze, and enters the kiln to be fired at a fire temperature of 800-900 ° C to form a complete yellow glazed porcelain. After leaving the kiln, a porcelain body with good color is selected, and then black or red pens are used to outline patterns such as dragons, phoenixes, and flowers on the surface of the porcelain glaze. Then, the yellow glaze outside the patterns is covered with a large area of alum red to fill the ground, Highlighting the yellow themed decoration, creating a festive effect of red and yellow colors, and then being grilled again in the kiln. The entire process is rigorous and complex, and only then can we obtain the "yellow on red" colored porcelain with a combination of red and yellow colors, exquisite quality, and magnificent glaze color. The "color ground porcelain" technology flourished in the nearly 100 years of the Jia, Long, and Wan periods, and her mature porcelain technology also laid a solid foundation for the later development of Jingdezhen porcelain industry.