Qing Qianlong's imperial carmine red ground lotus flower set furnace Jun glaze Taiping elephant rotating heart vase

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Qing Qianlong's imperial carmine red ground lotus flower set furnace Jun glaze Taiping elephant rotating heart vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's imperial carmine red ground lotus flower set furnace Jun glaze Taiping elephant rotating heart vase


Starting Price:SGD:12,630,000

Transaction Price:SGD:15,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This device has a pursed mouth and neck, adorned with elephant ears on each side, with ample shoulders and a bulging belly, and the feet are outwardly pursed. Both the mouth and feet are adorned with rouge red glaze, and the rolling process is used to carve out phoenix tail shaped curled grass patterns, creating a magnificent and magnificent brocade; It is lined with colorful flowers, with graceful and graceful lotus flowers, interspersed with chrysanthemum and deformed banana leaf patterns. The shoulders and shins are embossed with Ruyi cloud patterns for one circle each, shining with golden radiance; The ears of the elephants on both sides are lifelike, with delicate paintings that are perfectly visible, and the eyes are filled with joy; The belly is decorated with Jun glaze, which blends red and purple, blue and green, and has a unique glaze color similar to that of the Yongzheng period. Zunei Blue and White Script "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty" with six characters and three lines in seal script. This product is like a lady from a wealthy family, fresh and elegant, standing in a crowd of colorful and finely crafted heart turning bottles. Despite being deeply influenced by the Baroque style, she still maintains the pursuit of elegance during the Yongzheng period, such as the timeless Song lyrics, which are unforgettable and captivating. In the heart turning bottle of existence, there are many foreign and pink colors. Using monochromatic glaze as the main body, the abdominal wall is neither intricately painted nor showcased with intricate carvings, making it a rare sight. This device is one of the few examples.