Qing Qianlong Enamel Colorful Gold Embossed Open Light Embedding Treasure Gold Cup Large Offering Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Enamel Colorful Gold Embossed Open Light Embedding Treasure Gold Cup Large Offering Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Enamel Colorful Gold Embossed Open Light Embedding Treasure Gold Cup Large Offering Bottle


Starting Price:SGD:910,000

Transaction Price:SGD:980,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This bottle has a curled mouth, neck tied, shoulder folded, curved belly, and rounded feet. The whole piece is decorated with enamel, with floral patterns on the neck, shoulders, and shins, and two flower and bird patterns and a phoenix pattern on the abdomen. Vivid and vivid, with bright hair colors, giving people a sense of elegance and luxury. Peony symbolizes blooming and prosperity, while phoenix symbolizes phoenix on the branch. Echoes outline the meaning of "happiness" and "longevity", symbolizing ten thousand blessings and longevity. This bottle has exquisite craftsmanship, magnificent and magnificent colors, vivid characters, and realistic colors. The bottom of the bottle is decorated with gold and features the six character seal script style of "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty". It has high collection and investment value!