Qing Kangxi Blue and White Heavenly Plate Longevity Master

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Qing Kangxi Blue and White Heavenly Plate Longevity Master

Auction Information

Product:Qing Kangxi Blue and White Heavenly Plate Longevity Master


Starting Price:SGD:8,710,000

Transaction Price:SGD:9,800,000

Specification:H:76.5cm C:37.5cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Paipin is a tribute porcelain fired by the Kangxi Imperial Kiln Factory for the Longevity Festival, known as the "Longevity Lord". Named after the ten thousand blue and white "longevity" characters used throughout the body decoration, it is a rare large-scale heavy vessel in the history of ceramics and imperial kilns of the Ming and Qing dynasties; It is also the largest imperial kiln artifact with the highest number of written words and the only theme of seal script single characters and their synonymous variant characters or deformed characters; It is also a rare and magnificent monument in the history of Chinese ceramics and Chinese writing. Wanshou Zun has a majestic and robust appearance, full of vitality and handsomeness. Tian Pan Kou, Tie Neck, Abundant Shoulders, Stomach in, Shoulders and Abdomen each with a fetal scar, Feet with an outward tilt, Sand Bottom without Glaze, Wide and Thick Slope shaped Shallow Circled Feet, Foot Ridge Slightly Shaped Loach Back. With a height of 77cm, a diameter of 38cm, and a foot diameter of 28cm, it may be the largest known Kangxi imperial kiln porcelain. The fetal material is solid and delicate, with transparent glaze applied throughout the body except for the base and feet. The glaze color is white with a slight hint of green, translucent and firm, highly characteristic of the times. Wanshou Zun arranged ten thousand characters with the meaning of "longevity" in a regular manner, with "longevity" as the main character, interspersed with various combinations of characters with pictographic or symbolic functions, accompanied by the meaning and auspicious symbols of "longevity" characters, such as "Wan", "Qianqiu", "Wanshou", "Ten Thousand", "San Huang", etc., which can be collectively referred to as "longevity characters". In addition to various variants of the character "Shou" based on the seal script, it also inherits and develops the ancient pictographic and semantic character creation methods, and extensively transforms characters such as bird and insect seal script, tadpole script, golden seal script, stone drum and bell tripod script into "Shou"; Mountains, rivers, clouds, storms, thunder and lightning, insects, birds, fish, and beasts, heavenly stems and earthly branches, star constellations, yin and yang eight trigrams, and strange door talismans are all written in Chinese characters. The saying goes, "tadpoles are colorful, insects and fish converge, and the ears are written with the body; the bird tracks of the Fu Nong Xuan are written in Jiexi; they may express clouds and Wen with understanding, or they may depict Chen and Su with pictograms," which combines many elements of ancient Chinese culture and cosmological concepts, making people amazed and breathtaking. The layout of ten thousand characters is extremely clever and integrated, with the body distributed in 75 horizontal columns, each with 130 words, and 130 vertical rows with 75 words, totaling 9750 words; There are two circles around the Tianpan mouth, each with 77 characters. The outer edge of the mouth and the outer edge of the foot are surrounded by 48 characters each, for a total of 250 characters, totaling 10000 characters with the body. After repeated comparison, identification, and arrangement, it can be determined that the ten thousand characters on Wanshou Zun are composed of 1000 different characters or shapes, and each character or shape is written 10 times according to a certain pattern. Some of these characters or shapes originate from various ancient Zhou and seal scripts, some are taken from inscriptions on ancient artifacts, and more likely come from the artistic processing and creation of past generations of ingenuity and designers at that time. As stated in the "Manshou Zun Fu", "Collecting a hundred schools of thought to search for tomb scriptures, with ten thousand seal scripts.". "Ten thousand" can be understood as "ten thousand", but it also implies writing a thousand words ten times. The composition of various fonts and shapes in these ten thousand characters is extremely complex and ever-changing, yet they are not hard and exquisite, as if they were made in heaven. The writing of ten thousand words is proficient and fluent, with ancient and elegant brushstrokes that are graceful and graceful, and with ease and ease; In terms of character design, it is ingeniously connected and constantly emerging, with a myriad of ideas and a grand view. Some characters are actually pictures, vivid and unique. There are paintings in the characters, which are integrated into the characters. Almost from ancient times to modern times, they have all become "longevity". All things in the world have become characters, with a dazzling array of colors and diverse styles, which are shocking and awe inspiring. ten thousand