Ru kiln string pattern triple foot (wash) bottle

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Ru kiln string pattern triple foot (wash) bottle

Auction Information

Product:Ru kiln string pattern triple foot (wash) bottle


Starting Price:SGD:3,680,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:10.6cm C:14.6cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The bottom of the straight mouth is flat, with three layers of string patterns on the top and bottom, and three legs on the bottom. The design is simple and elegant, neat and concise. Celestial blue glaze is applied inside and outside. The opening texture is clear and natural. The agate into the glaze is as moist as a pile of grease and changes with the light. The glaze color is as elegant and bright as "the clouds break after rain". The beauty of "thousands of peaks and blue waves are green". The shape of the device is small and open with cicada wing patterns. It has the characteristics of "pear skin, crab claw, and sesame Fried Dough Twists". It is as green as the sky, its face is as mirror, cicada wing patterns, and stars are rare, showing "jade like, non jade, and jade like", The bottom five nail marks are small and sesame like, with a smooth and fragrant gray color. The unique and rare "Fenghua" imperial signature is even more precious and rare!