Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty made the Yangcai Jiangshan Wandai Ruyi Ear Pipa Zun

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Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty made the Yangcai Jiangshan Wandai Ruyi Ear Pipa Zun

Auction Information

Product:Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty made the Yangcai Jiangshan Wandai Ruyi Ear Pipa Zun


Starting Price:SGD:12,830,000

Transaction Price:SGD:20,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"This product is a unique and exquisite painted artifact among the Qianlong official kilns. Its shape is noble and elegant, and the decoration is elegant and elegant. The double Ruyi ears are exquisite and exquisite, and the Ruyi head is decorated with a golden color" Wan "." The red ribbon of the characters is vivid and elegant, which is a prominent symbol of the high-end exquisite imperial porcelain carving during the Qianlong Dynasty. The mouth is decorated with auspicious cloud head patterns, and the lower part is adorned with a longevity ribbon pattern, which echoes the decoration on both ears. The painting depicts the scenery of a landscape courtyard in the abdomen. In the distance, the palace towers stand tall, with flying eaves and upturned corners, surrounded by verdant pine and cypress trees, resembling a fairyland. It is majestic and magical, with a towering pagoda towering over the peaks and overlooking the sky. The lake is vast and the sky is cloudy, and the mountains stand tall. The fishing boats on the lakeside sing late, there are several thatched cottages in the jungle, and the distant mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, seemingly thousands of miles away. Its composition is a combination of virtual and real elements, with sparse and delicate brushstrokes. The mountains and rocks are particularly beautiful, with light and thick moss, and sharp edges that stand out. The ink technique is exquisite and breathtaking. Shi Caiqing has a beautiful and elegant color scheme, exuding a profound sense of elegance and elegance. It is like the calligraphy and calligraphy of the Song Dynasty's green mountains and rivers, creating a poetic scene of the Qianlong Emperor's poem "A light boat floats on the water, a fragrant path leads the mountain family". The double ear design echoes the theme decoration, symbolizing "the world will last for generations", which can be said to have a unique ingenuity. The glaze color of this product is exquisite and beautiful, highlighting the typical characteristics of Western colors in many aspects of pattern and pigment application techniques: firstly, the painting techniques imitate Western light and shadow painting methods, emphasizing the distance and three-dimensional level of the layout of the picture; The second is to use the unique round light dots of Western colors to decorate the edges of the mouth and ears; The third is to depict waves with fine, hair like ink on a large area of white color that is opaque and smooth in texture. This white color is also an important base color for copper and porcelain enamel paintings influenced by the West. “