Zhang Xiaoyong sees the green mountains

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Zhang Xiaoyong sees the green mountains

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Xiaoyong sees the green mountains


Starting Price:QAR:1,580,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Zhang Xiaoyong, originally from Shandong, studied landscape painting under the famous Chinese painter Hei Bolong since childhood. He also studied landscape painting under the guidance of Li Keran and Huang Runhua, specializing in landscape painting and also focusing on characters. He is currently a representative of the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Art Association, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Calligraphers Association, a national first-class artist, a member of the China Artists Association, and a member of the China Calligraphers Association, Special invited member of the Zhuhai Political Consultative Conference of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Hong Kong and Macao.