Guo Changqing's "Romantic Life in Ice and Snow Painting"

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Guo Changqing's

Auction Information

Product:Guo Changqing's "Romantic Life in Ice and Snow Painting"


Starting Price:QAR:45,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Interpretation of "Romantic Life Path": Life is a romantic journey. When we come into this world, this journey has already begun. You, me, him and her, were born in high mountains, grasslands, canyons, or beaches. As we walk through poverty, humiliation, wilderness, and obstacles, the scenery along the way fills our minds, the vision broadens our hearts, the food comforts our souls, and our companions walk hand in hand. We were tired all the way, panting, fussing, crying, and laughing. This is our life - a free and romantic life.