Aixin Jueluo Puru's "Green and Beautiful Forest Range"

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Aixin Jueluo Puru's

Auction Information

Product:Aixin Jueluo Puru's "Green and Beautiful Forest Range"


Starting Price:QAR:2,900,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 3,000,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Title: Xin She Painted Seal: Old Wang Sun (Zhu), Pu Ru (Bai) Author Introduction: Ai Xinjueluo, Pu Ru's initial name was Zhong Heng, changed to Xin She, and self titled Xihuang Shangren and Xishan Yishi. Beijing native, Manchu, is the grandson of Prince Yixin of Qing Gong. I have studied abroad in Germany and have a strong passion for poetry, calligraphy, and painting, both of which have achieved success. He is skilled in painting landscapes, figures, flowers, and calligraphy, and is known as the "Southern Zhang and Northern Pu" alongside Zhang Daqian. He is also known as the "Southern Wu and Northern Pu" alongside Wu Hufan.