Wu Guanzhong "Jiangnan Water Village"

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Wu Guanzhong

Auction Information

Product:Wu Guanzhong "Jiangnan Water Village"


Starting Price:QAR:140,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:70cm W:70cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wu Guanzhong (August 29,1919- -June 25,2010), From Yixing, Jiangsu Province, Chinese communist party members, Chinese modern and contemporary painter, oil painter, art educator, His main oil paintings include "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River", "Northern scenery", "Bird Paradise", "Huangshan Pine", "Lu Xun's Hometown" and so on; The main Chinese painting works include Spring Snow, The Lion Forest, the Great Wall and so on; The main collection of essays are "East and West looking for a collection", "Kite constant line", "Look at the end of the world", "Voice-over", "I read Shi Tao painting quotations", "Wu Guanzhong talk about beauty", "horizontal station career 50 years", "I negative Danqing", "Wu Guanzhong literature cong" and so on; The main painting collections include "Rebellious Teacher- -Wu Guanzhong", "Collection of Famous Modern and Modern Chinese Artists- -Wu Guanzhong", "Landscape of Life- -Wu Guanzhong Art Collection", "Cultivation and Dedication- -Donated Works Collection", "Wu Guanzhong's Complete Works" and so on. Wu Guanzhong graduated from Wuxi Normal University in 1934 and was admitted to the Industrial School of Zhejiang University; in 1936, he was admitted to National Hangzhou Art College, studied painting under the guidance of Li Chaoshi, Fang Ganmin, Wang Ziyun etc.; in 1938, he was promoted to National Hangzhou Art College, and studied oil painting under Chang Shuhong and Guan Liang; in 1942, he graduated from National Hangzhou Art College, and served as assistant of Architecture of National Chongqing University, teaching sketch and watercolor. In spare time, he attended literature and history courses and French courses in Central University. In December, his work Still Life participated in the third National Fine Arts Exhibition held in Chongqing; in 1972, he created oil paintings, Melon attan, Sorghum and Cotton, landlord's House, Flower, Mountain Flower, Sparrow, Pond, Xibaipo Village, Guilin Village, Lijiang River, Qianling Mountain and Waterfall; In May 1990, he went to Singapore to participate in "Wu Guanzhong Watercolor Powder Painting Exhibition"; in May 1991, "Wu Guanzhong Teacher and Students Exhibition" was held in Chinese History Museum.