Yu Feian's "White Plum"

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Yu Feian's

Auction Information

Product:Yu Feian's "White Plum"


Starting Price:QAR:1,200,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 1,200,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Yu Feian (1889-1959), originally named Zhao, with the courtesy name Feichang, was also known as Feian and also known as Xianren. His room name was Yushan Yanzhai and he was from Penglai, Shandong. Having lived in Beijing for a long time, he was a tribute student at the end of the Qing Dynasty and was skilled in meticulous brushwork for flowers and birds. Starting from Chen Hongshou and tracing back to the Tang and Song dynasties, he particularly enjoyed painting pigeons. He also enjoyed painting white lines, bamboo, and daffodils, which showed a clear and elegant style. His calligraphy skills were thin and golden, and he was also skilled in seal making. Formerly a member of the Chinese Artists Association, Vice President of the Chinese Painting Research Association, and Vice President of the Beijing Academy of Painting.