Zhang Daqian's "The Painting of Rui Xue in Yiwulu"

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Zhang Daqian's

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's "The Painting of Rui Xue in Yiwulu"


Starting Price:QAR:18,900,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 20,000,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This painting is a gift he gave to his old friend Zhang Xueliang's daughter Zhang Luying. The Zhang Luying family lived in the Bay Area of California at that time, and the two families often came and went. The so-called "Yiwulu" refers to the Lu Mountain in Liaoning, where the ancestral temple of Zhang Xueliang's family is located. The entire painting is two meters wide and one meter high, sprinkled with ink and lapis lazuli green, allowing it to flow freely, forming mountains and dense forests. And apply white powder to make snow in the pine forest on the mountaintop. The entire picture is almost entirely flowing with ink and wash colors. Between light and shadow, it is naturally formed, brilliant yet profound. In this carefree and unrestrained way, there is a longing for home and a deep affection for friends. In Carmel's Zhang Daqian, in the initial cultural anxiety and collision, he developed his style from "learning from the ancients" and "learning from nature" to the height of "learning from the heart", and with his new freedom of mind, he presented the world with a free and unrestrained Eastern landscape.