Qi Baishi's "The Great Shrimp Painting" album consists of ten pages

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Qi Baishi's

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi's "The Great Shrimp Painting" album consists of ten pages


Starting Price:QAR:950,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:240cm W:70cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Baishi's laughter at Hong Yingshi's shrimp painting can be said to be a masterpiece in the art world. It is lively, lifelike, and full of charm. With a light ink brush, the body is painted, and the color is soaked, further highlighting the crystal clear feeling of the shrimp body. Using thick honey to prepare stool ink, with vertical dots as the focus, horizontal strokes as the brain, falling ink into gold, and vivid strokes. The fine brush depicts the beard, claws, and large claws, combining hardness and softness, condensed and vivid, demonstrating the painter's superb calligraphy skills. The painter's shrimp comes from life, but goes beyond it, boldly summarizing and simplifying, and is even more vivid and skillful. Qi Baishi's shrimp painting is a masterpiece in the art world. Qi Baishi painted shrimp through lifelong observation, striving to delve deeper into the visual and spiritual characteristics of the tearful basket. Qi Baishi grew up by the pond and often caught shrimp to play with; Started drawing shrimp in youth; After the age of 40, he copied shrimp paintings by Ming and Qing painters such as Xu Wei and Li Futang; At the age of 63, Qi Baishi's shrimp painting was already very similar, but not yet "alive" enough. He raised several long arm shrimp in a bowl and placed them on the painting table for daily observation. The method of painting shrimp also changed accordingly, and shrimp became one of Qi Baishi's representative artistic symbols. Qi Baishi's painting of shrimp depicts the form of shrimp, which is lively, sensitive, alert, and full of vitality. It is because Qi Baishi has mastered the characteristics of shrimp and wolf ginger, so it is easy to draw. A few strokes, using the depth and intensity of ink, express a sense of dynamism. A pair of thick ink eyes, with a little burnt ink in the middle of the head and two light strokes on the left and right, causing the shrimp's head to change in many ways. The hard shell is transparent, from deep to shallow. And the waist of the shrimp, stroke by stroke, with continuous strokes, forms the rhythm of the shrimp waist from thick to thin. The changes in Qi Baishi's pen make the waist of the shrimp appear in various abnormal states, with some bowing forward and others wandering straight. There are also those who bend down and crawl. The tail of the shrimp also has a few strokes, which is both elastic and has a sense of transparent honey being praised. A pair of front claws of shrimp, from thin to thick, with several segments between them until the two claws, resembling pliers, with opening and closing. The tentacles of shrimp are drawn with several light ink lines. Choice: For the shrimp in the water, in order to show that sense of perspective, Qi Baishi's lines are both virtual and real, simple and appropriate, as if soft and solid, as if broken and solid, as if connected, straight and curved, with a small and orderly laughter boat talisman. The shrimp on paper seem to be playing and swimming in the water, and their tentacles also seem to be moving but not moving. This work consists of ten pages, with dimensions of 240cm in length and 70cm in width. All ten pages are the pinnacle of Qi Baishi's later years and have higher collection value.