Pan Tianshou's "Farming Map Axis"

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Pan Tianshou's

Auction Information

Product:Pan Tianshou's "Farming Map Axis"


Starting Price:QAR:32,000,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 35,000,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"The Farming Painting" is a Chinese ink painting by modern painter Pan Tianshou, created in 1964. This work depicts the scene of farmers working in the fields, showcasing the vivid scene of traditional Chinese agricultural culture. Pan Tianshou is an outstanding painter and educator in the history of modern Chinese art. His works have a unique style, emphasizing the expressive power of brushwork and the concise and lively form. "The Farming Picture" is one of his representative works, which uses concise brushstrokes and composition to depict the diligence and simplicity of farmers working in the fields.