Hetian Biyu Handstring White Honey Wax Hand skewers

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Hetian Biyu Handstring
White Honey Wax Hand skewers

Auction Information

Product:Hetian Biyu Handstring White Honey Wax Hand skewers


Starting Price:QAR:30,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:WT:40g WT:18.2g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Hotan Jade jasper belongs to tremolite jade. It is a nephrite formed after serpentinite intrudes into basic volcanic rocks and other surrounding rocks. It is opaque and its color is mostly dark red, green or variegated. Named by color, it can be called red jasper, green jasper, etc. Soft jade worldwide is also produced in areas such as Kunlun Mountains, North America, and Oceania. In the jade market in Xinjiang, there are Russian jasper, Canadian jasper, Hotan jasper, and Mahe jasper. Honey wax is one of the types of amber. As the name suggests, its body is opaque and flows like honey inside, with a shape very similar to wax. Its texture is soft and its color is soft, and it has been very popular in recent years. Among them, Myanmar beeswax has a long formation time and many influencing factors, so its types are also very rich.