Hotan Jade Seed Carving Figure Landscape Ornament

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Hotan Jade Seed Carving Figure Landscape Ornament

Auction Information

Product:Hotan Jade Seed Carving Figure Landscape Ornament


Starting Price:QAR:92,200,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:W:120cm H:60cm WT:75000g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Hotan Jade seed landscape character ornaments are 60cm high and 120cm wide, and weigh 75000g. Hotan Jade in Xinjiang, China is famous for its moist and white color. The seed of Hotan Jade is white, and superior Hotan Jade is rare. The texture is delicate and moisturizing, with red skin and white flesh, presenting a fat white color, a light blue color, and a milky yellow color, like sheep oil. The author uses hollowed out and finely carved landscape character ornaments, which have profound and long-lasting meanings. It is an extremely rare warm and beautiful jade for nourishing the heart and mind on the elegant desk