Double Dragon Ear Ruyi Pattern Jade Dragon

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Double Dragon Ear Ruyi Pattern Jade Dragon

Auction Information

Product:Double Dragon Ear Ruyi Pattern Jade Dragon


Starting Price:QAR:159,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This Gu jade is crystal clear and moist, with a beautiful and lightweight shape, making it a masterpiece of jade artifacts. There are many examples of jade imitating bronze ware, which can be roughly divided into two types. One type belongs to the basic imitation, and the shape and decoration are processed according to the style of bronze ware; Another type belongs to the free play style, although its basic form is similar to that of bronze ware, it has also made some modifications according to the characteristics of jade ware. This artifact adds an additional pair of animal heads, rings, and ears that are only found in bronze pots to the shape of the Gu. Although it may seem somewhat unconventional, it enhances the overall sense of the artifact and the lines become more beautiful.