Emerald Maitreya Buddha pendant

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Emerald Maitreya Buddha pendant

Auction Information

Product:Emerald Maitreya Buddha pendant


Starting Price:QAR:21,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Maitreya Buddha is a widely believed Buddha among the Chinese people. Maitreya Buddha always smiles, has a big belly, and has a compassionate heart. His magnanimity can accommodate all things in the world. And his smile can smile at all aspects of life. Nowadays, there are countless ornaments with Maitreya Buddha as the theme. Wearing Maitreya Buddha can be said to express the most beautiful hope in people's hearts. Jade is of the highest quality among jade objects, and it is made of jade Jewelry often contains nobility and elegance, and is a symbol of noble status.