Peacock Blue Stone

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Peacock Blue Stone

Auction Information

Product:Peacock Blue Stone


Starting Price:QAR:389,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:According to actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Blue malachite, commonly known as lapis lazuli, is in the form of single crystal fibers and blocks, with two types: semi transparent and opaque. It is mostly dark blue, light blue, and slightly purple in color, and is a copper carbonate. It undergoes etching when exposed to acid and bubbles when exposed to hydrochloric acid. It is often associated with malachite, but azurite is more beautiful and vibrant than malachite and greenstone. It is a transitional color between light colored malachite and lapis lazuli, and is one of the favorite mineral crystals for stone players. It is a precious gem with great collectible value!