Sheep fat jade jade bracelet

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Sheep fat jade jade bracelet

Auction Information

Product:Sheep fat jade jade bracelet


Starting Price:QAR:1,050,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:WT:53.8g D:8cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Cuiyu and Burmese jade are a type of jade. The correct definition of jadeite is a fibrous aggregate composed mainly of jadeite minerals and pyroxene minerals. jadeite is a stone like polycrystalline aggregate formed under geological processes, mainly composed of jadeite or jadeite, sodium (sodium chromium pyroxene), and sodium calcium pyroxene (green pyroxene), which can contain hornblende, feldspar, chromite, limonite, etc.