Myanmar Natural Burnless Pigeon Blood Red Faced Ruby

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Myanmar Natural Burnless Pigeon Blood Red Faced Ruby

Auction Information

Product:Myanmar Natural Burnless Pigeon Blood Red Faced Ruby


Starting Price:QAR:34,400,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Ruby is known as "Ratnaraj" in Old Sanskrit, meaning the king of gemstones. With factors such as mine depletion and war, it has become increasingly scarce in recent years. Its scarcity allows it to stand forever at the tip of the pyramid in the gemstone circle. Myanmar is the oldest producer of rubies and is renowned for producing top-notch "pigeon blood red", but it began to decline as early as the 15th century. High quality rubies with large carats are becoming increasingly scarce, and production has been extremely low due to war. As the saying goes, what cannot be obtained is always the best. Perhaps this scarcity has caused the market's desire for it, ensuring its investment space. Burmese rubies are becoming increasingly rare, and many buyers can only sigh, especially the top-grade "pigeon blood red", which may now be able to catch a glimpse at auctions. Therefore, collectors who love rubies must have other choices.