One Yuan Silver Coin and Gold Sample Coin of the Qing Dynasty in the Third Year of the Tongtong reign

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One Yuan Silver Coin and Gold Sample Coin of the Qing Dynasty in the Third Year of the Tongtong reign

Auction Information

Product:One Yuan Silver Coin and Gold Sample Coin of the Qing Dynasty in the Third Year of the Tongtong reign


Starting Price:QAR: 4,300,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 4,500,000

Specification:D:3.9cm WT:37g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In the third year of the Xuantong reign, the Qing Dynasty silver coin was a one yuan gold sample coin. Although it had the inscription "Qing Dynasty silver coin", this coin was indeed a gold sample coin that was respectfully presented to the imperial court for inspection. It was made of pure gold, and there are only a few surviving gold sample coins, which are quite precious.