Blue and white flowers (with cover)

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Blue and white flowers (with cover)

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white flowers (with cover)


Starting Price:QAR: 6,400,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 8,000,000

Specification:H:60.1cm B:15.5cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The plum blossom bottle has a lips that are full on the shoulders, gradually converging from the shoulders to the bottom of the feet. The feet are slightly curled, with a lid and a pearl button on top. Decorate the shoulders with floral patterns that shine brightly. Ruyi patterns are painted on the shoulders and abdomen respectively, with a auspicious phoenix pattern in the middle. Draw another circle of curly grass pattern and cover it with a deformed lotus petal pattern. The glaze color around the plum vase is blue and gray, and the blue and white hair color is sapphire blue, which is the most authentic hair color of the Yuan Dynasty blue and white. There is no glaze on the soles of the feet, with a faint flint red color. This item is well preserved and has extremely high collection value and historical significance, making it worth collecting for collectors!