Black glazed green leaf pattern bowl (damaged at edge of the mouth)

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Black glazed green leaf pattern bowl (damaged at edge of the mouth)

Auction Information

Product:Black glazed green leaf pattern bowl (damaged at edge of the mouth)


Starting Price:QAR: 1,340,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 1,500,000

Specification:B:4cm C:15.5cm H:6cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This bowl is in the shape of a bamboo hat, a typical style of a Song Dynasty bowl. The surface is coated with black glaze, with a crystal clear and thick glaze color. The inner wall is decorated with two large leaves, with clear and delicate leaf textures, presenting a natural and poetic effect that is breathtaking. It has historical and cultural value and is worth collecting extensively.