Imperial gift Fu Heng four piece set

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Imperial gift Fu Heng four piece set

Auction Information

Product:Imperial gift Fu Heng four piece set


Starting Price:QAR: 790,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 790,000

Specification:According to actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Fu Heng, styled Chunhe, from the Fucha clan, was a Manchurian with a yellow flag. He was the younger brother of Empress Xiaoxian Chun, the original wife of Emperor Qianlong. Fu Hengchu was the Blue Feather Guard and the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the age of 24, he was appointed as a walking officer in the Military Machinery Department, at the age of 26, he was appointed as the Minister of Revenue, and at the age of 27, he was appointed as the Grand Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue and the Minister of Military Machinery, with the rank of Grand Protector. Appoint a First Class Loyal and Brave Duke. He has held various positions including Minister of Personnel, Minister of War, Minister of the Imperial Academy, Minister of Political Affairs, Minister of the Imperial Guard, Minister of the Imperial Guard, Commander of the Infantry Army, Chief and Vice President of the Huidian Hall, Chief Supervisor of the Five Dynasties National History Museum, Lecturer of the Imperial Examination, and Clerk of the Imperial Examination. This set of items is a set of four pieces bestowed upon Fu Heng by the emperor. The items are well preserved and have high collection value and historical significance, making them worth collecting for collectors!