Qing Qianlong's blue ground painted with gold and famille rose, landscape painting, imperial inscription, poem wall vase

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Qing Qianlong's blue ground painted with gold and famille rose, landscape painting, imperial inscription, poem wall vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's blue ground painted with gold and famille rose, landscape painting, imperial inscription, poem wall vase


Starting Price:QAR: 1,400,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:28.5cm C:5.5cm B:9.2cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This hanging bottle is a semi split gourd style, with a small mouth, a small upper abdomen, a large lower abdomen, and a semi-circular bottom foot. The back wall is flat and has grooves for suspension. The outer wall is adorned with a blue glazed golden lotus pattern, with a circular opening on both the upper and lower abdomen. The upper part of the open light inner ink colored seal script is written in two lines by Emperor Qianlong's imperial poem: "The imperial poem reads:" Clouds protect the Phoenix Tower and pine trees cover it, while auspicious and condensed cacti and bamboo sway. "The red color is (dry) and (long)." The lower abdomen is decorated with landscape and pavilions. The bottle is coated with turquoise green glaze, with a gold colored edge seal, and the semi-circular foot is coated with turquoise green glaze. There is a horizontal seal script style of the blue material. This item can also be hung on the walls of the study hall for flower arrangement, so it is called the "wall bottle". There are precious decorations hanging on the walls of the Yangxin Hall and Sanxi Hall in the Palace Museum.