Qing Yongzheng Enamel Color Ochre Ink Plum Bamboo Picture Bowl Blue Material Two Sides Frame

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Qing Yongzheng Enamel Color Ochre Ink Plum Bamboo Picture Bowl Blue Material Two Sides Frame

Auction Information

Product:Qing Yongzheng Enamel Color Ochre Ink Plum Bamboo Picture Bowl Blue Material Two Sides Frame


Starting Price:QAR: 1,600,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 1,800,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


A bowl with a wide mouth, deep curved walls, and low circular feet. The whole body is coated with moist white glaze, and the interior of the vessel is usually without patterns. On one side of the outer wall, a strong plum tree is painted near the foot of the circle. The branches are straight and beautiful, and the branches stretch horizontally, growing in the shape of a bowl. The flowers on the branches are either in bud or in full bloom, painted with light ink and fine brush, light and pure white, each with its own posture. There are several clumps of dwarf bamboo growing at the bottom of the tree, and the branches and leaves are outlined with the double hook pen technique, dense and orderly, with great craftsmanship. Half of the bowl is inscribed with two lines of a five character poem in a running script, with a golden and red seal at the beginning and two seals at the end.