Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Plum Vase with Entangled Branches and Dragon Patterns

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Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Plum Vase with Entangled Branches and Dragon Patterns

Auction Information

Product:Qing Yongzheng Blue and White Plum Vase with Entangled Branches and Dragon Patterns


Starting Price:QAR: 500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This bottle has a small mouth, round shoulders, gradually tapered under the shoulders, and a flat bottom. The plum vase shoulder decoration features intertwined floral patterns on both sides. Draw a curly grass pattern around the tibia, a lotus petal pattern on the feet, filled with floral and bead patterns, leaving gaps between the lotus petals, resulting in a well proportioned density. The theme decoration on the abdomen is painted with dragon patterns, with the dragon's head raised and looking forward, elegant and agile. The body is agile and curved, with a great charm. The dragon body is surrounded by tangled branches and flowers, highlighting its vigorous, free spirited, and majestic momentum. The overall brushwork is free and unrestrained, and the blue and white colors are lush and beautiful, like the solemn halo of ink and wash, which is quite interesting in brushwork. The color of blue and white is rich and varied, giving the picture a sense of hierarchy, making it a rare delicacy among blue and white plum vases. Glazed throughout the body, the glaze color is white with a hint of blue. Looking at the entire vessel, it does not conceal the vigorous style unique to the prosperous era of the Mongol and Yuan dynasties, which is often overlooked. The six character seal script inscription "Made in the Yongzheng Year of the Qing Dynasty" is a typical official kiln inscription with higher collection value and value.