


藏 品:鳴鳳

編 號:5222



規 格:L:121.5cm W:18.5cm




琴額題:鳴鳳 (遞鐘式舊藏古琴) 斫琴人:歐陽修斫 年代:北宋(964-968) 龍池內刻 (左):歐陽修斫, (右):幹德二年 龍池兩側刻楷書:雅琴飛白雪,高論橫青雲 龍池下刻篆書:可染 圓印 琴面版/側面/底版:通體漆面發有斷紋,邊牆側斷紋完美,連接琴面和琴底斷紋,一目了然。 琴面版:上方鑲有壽山石,保存完好。 鑲壽山石:日殘間裏消醉吟,身荷水中在香影。 藏者介紹:雷在勵(1925-2013)為雷氏後代,太祖父雷人龍曾駐美外交官,此琴為祖傳傳承有序至今。現藏家雷宏 (雷在勵之次子)說到,此琴乃曾太祖(雷人龍)所收藏的必屬上品之一,愛琴人皆寶之。腹內刻署:幹德二年歐陽修斫,傳承流傳有序保存完好,古琴之於歐陽修,是良友,亦是養身之良器。Title of the Qin: "Ming Feng" (Qin Type: Stepped clock style of the Guqin) Craftsman: Ou YangXiu Era: Northern Song Dynasty (964-968) Engraved inside of Dragon Pool (Left): Crafted by Ou Yangxiu, (Right): Second year of Qiande Engraved Gold with Kaishu on Both Sides of the Dragon Pool: "Elegant Qin accompanied by snowing with unconventional spirit" Engraved Gold Seal with Intaglio of Seal Script below the Dragon Pool: Dye with circular seal The soundboard, sides, and back board of the Qin have lacquer finish with distinct grain lines; the connection between the soundboard and back board is evident. Soundboard: Embedded with Shoushan stone, well-preserved. Embedded Shoushan Stone: In the lingering moments of the waning sun, I indulge in an intoxicated chant, carrying myself in the water amidst the fragrant shadows. Collector's Introduction: Lei Zailei (1925-2013) was a descendant of the Lei family. His great-grandfather, Lei Renlong, served as a diplomat in the United States. This Qin has been passed down through the generations and remains well-preserved. Lei Hong, the current owner and the second son of Lei Zailei, regards this Qin as one of the finest in his great-grandfather's collection. For enthusiasts of the Qin, it is a treasured possession. Inscribed inside the Qin's body: Crafted by Ou Yangxiu in the second year of Qiande, the legacy of the Qin has been well-preserved and orderly. To Ou Yangxiu, the Qin is a good friend and a tool for self-cultivation.