清代 海南黑奇楠沉香雙龍藝術擺件

清代 海南黑奇楠沉香雙龍藝術擺件


藏 品:清代 海南黑奇楠沉香雙龍藝術擺件

編 號:5015



規 格:WT:1983g




奇楠是極品沉香中的極品。中國海南千年野生古奇楠沉香,古代稱之為瓊脂。它需要經過多年乃至幾十年的時間才能完全形成,年代越久遠油脂含量越高,品質越好,越加珍貴。絕大部分珍藏於各大藏家手裏,輕易不會釋出。已經到了釋出一件少一件的地步。 “奇楠沉香雕像”在所有木雕中最為罕見。因為奇楠沉香原木極其稀少與珍貴,同時對雕刻工藝要求十分高,容不得一絲差錯,其珍貴程度難以言喻。 在中國傳統文化中,龍是皇權和中華民族的象徵,被視為一種吉祥、權威和神聖的圖騰。 這兩條龍整體構思嚴謹,雕刻層次豐富,用刀深峻靈動,氣勢恢宏,淩濤騰躍,磅礴欲出。造型誇張,肌肉發達,兇猛威武,身形翻轉形成S形曲線扭動矯健,穿行於濃雲驚濤。將龍的磅礴之氣勢、雄健之身姿呈現得栩栩如生,將龍的威嚴、霸氣體現得淋漓盡致,盡顯皇家風範。展現了清代宮廷高雅鑒賞品味,存世稀罕,品級不凡。 由於各種歷史原因,很多頂級的宮廷藝術品流散後就再也無法合壁。由此,作為中國“奇楠沉香”雕塑的絕世珍品雙龍能完美合壁,更大幅提高了收藏價值,這樣的收藏緣分值得珍惜。                     Twin Dragon Qinan agarwood sculpture Qinan is the pinnacle of agarwood, a precious treasure within the realm of fragrant woods. Originating from the untamed wilds of Hainan, China, this thousand-year-old Qinan agarwood was known in ancient times as "QiongZhi" (瓊脂). It takes many years, sometimes even decades, to fully mature. The older it is, the higher its resin content and the better its quality, making it increasingly rare and precious. The majority of it is held in the collections of connoisseurs and is rarely made available, reaching a point where releasing just one piece further diminishes its already scarce presence. Qinan Agarwood Carving is the rarest among all wooden carvings. This is because the original Qinan agarwood is extremely scarce and precious, and the craftsmanship required for carving it is of the highest order, leaving no room for error. Its preciousness is truly beyond words. In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes imperial authority, representing auspiciousness, authority, and sanctity. The two dragons in this carving exhibit meticulous design, rich carving layers, and are brought to life with deep and dynamic knife work. Their grandeur, agility, and soaring presence are palpable, their forms exaggerated with powerful muscles, exuding an aura of fierceness and might. Their S-shaped curves twist and turn, navigating through dense clouds and surging waves. The dragons' majesty and dominance are vividly portrayed, epitomizing royal elegance. This artwork showcases the refined taste of the Qing Imperial court and is exceptionally rare, distinguished by its quality. For various historical reasons, many top-tier court artworks have been scattered and can never be recovered. Consequently, this peerless Qinan Agarwood sculpture of the twin dragons, capable of perfectly coming together, greatly enhances its collectible value. Such a connection in the realm of art is a precious bond that deserves to be cherished.