清代 海南黑奇楠沉香十八羅漢藝術雕塑擺件

清代 海南黑奇楠沉香十八羅漢藝術雕塑擺件


藏 品:清代 海南黑奇楠沉香十八羅漢藝術雕塑擺件

編 號:5014



規 格:WT:1732g




奇楠是沉香中的極品。中國海南千年天然野生古奇楠沉香,古代稱之為瓊脂。年代越久遠,其油脂含量越高,品質越好,越加珍貴。珍藏於各大藏家手裏,輕易不會釋出,早已到了釋出一件少一件的地步。 佛像雕件中最為罕見的是“奇楠沉香雕像”。極品的奇楠沉香原材極其稀少與珍貴,同時對雕刻工藝要求十分高,容不得一絲差錯。珍貴程度難以言喻。 這件十八羅漢佛像雕件以彌足珍稀的奇楠沉香雕刻而成,歲月積澱下的瑩潤和油脂滿布尤為引人注目。 清宮廷雕刻大師在整塊奇楠上面以刀代筆,構圖嚴謹又變化多端,線條交錯又不散亂無章。無論人物或動物,細部雕刻一絲不苟,形神兼備,線條靈動而有神采,使得人物藝術形象惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生,躍然於奇楠之上、呼之欲出。 作為宮廷藝術珍品,十八羅漢造像簡潔生動,神情表達準確,獨特的藝術魅力令人目不暇接,歎為觀止。 此奇楠群雕像世間獨此一件,工藝精美,結香飽滿,香味、韻味難得,保存完好,是中國古代寫實木雕藝術的無上瑰寶,在佛教造像藝術中存世稀罕,具有相當高的收藏價值。 Eighteen Arhats Qinan sculptures Qinan is the pinnacle of agarwood. For thousands of years, the wild and ancient Qinan agarwood has been a natural treasure in Hainan, China. In ancient times, it was known as "QiongZhi" (瓊脂). The older it is, the higher its resin content and the better its quality, making it increasingly precious. Treasured by collectors, it is rarely released, and each piece becomes scarcer by the day. The rarest of all Buddhist sculptures are the "Qinan Agarwood Carvings." This exceptional Qinan agarwood is extremely scarce and precious in its raw form, requiring an exceptionally high level of craftsmanship with no room for error. Its level of preciousness is beyond words. This set of Eighteen Arhats sculptures is carved from an exceptionally rare Qinan agarwood, showcasing the lustrous texture and abundant resins accumulated over the years, making it particularly captivating. Carving masters of the Qing Imperial court used knives instead of brushes to create meticulous and varied compositions on the block of Qinan agarwood. The carving lines interlace seamlessly, and whether depicting figures or animals, the attention to detail is impeccable. The artistry in these sculptures is extraordinary, with lifelike characters that seem to come to life on the Qinan agarwood. As a treasure of Imperial court art, the Eighteen Arhats sculptures are simple yet vivid, with precise expressions and unique artistic charm that leaves onlookers in awe. This Qinan agarwood sculpture is one of its kind in the world, featuring exquisite craftsmanship, and a rare and unique aroma. It is well-preserved and is an unparalleled gem of ancient Chinese woodcarving art. It is a rare find in the world of Buddhist sculpture art and holds significant value for collectors.