明永乐 琉璃珐琅鎏金药师佛

明永乐 琉璃珐琅鎏金药师佛


藏 品:明永乐 琉璃珐琅鎏金药师佛

編 號:5004



規 格:H:21.5 W:15




佛教作为三大宗教之一,诞生已有三千多年,佛教传入中国更是已有两千多年。佛像是中国人接触最广、最久的雕塑艺术,支撑着古代中国的整个雕塑体系。在众多艺术品门类里,收藏佛像会让人心生敬意。 明永乐 琉璃珐琅鎏金药师佛 此尊明代时期“琉璃鎏金药师佛”高:21.5cm;底径:15cm;身躯挺拔,各部分的比例把握准确,表现出极高的造型功力。绀青螺发排列规整,顶部肉髻圆凸,上饰宝珠鎏金顶严。面部脸颊丰满,双目微合,双眉细长,鼻梁坚挺,双眉与鼻准组成优美的曲线,显得格外俊朗,气度恢弘不凡,表情静穆柔和,略含笑意,象征此佛内在宁静纯洁的精神世界。身着花凌法器,双腿结全跏趺坐于鎏金嵌宝莲花座上,双手撑托药钵,。尊胜诃子是传说中的圣药,可治一切病疾。在细节刻画上,虽然因琉璃质地脆硬不易加工,但这尊造像却制作得十分细致生动,刻画精细,须发可数,衣纹细腻流畅,抛光细致,望之剔透清明,隐约有七彩宝光,庄严肃穆,富有写实性和生命力。药师佛是东方净琉璃世界的教主。此尊药师佛通体珐琅鎏金,双手撑托药钵,高肉髻,脸部塑造丰满,鼻梁高耸,嘴角微翘,下颚饱满。双耳大而贴面,神态沉静自然。衣褶刻画流畅自然,“曹衣出水”的造像风格依稀见。  药师佛,又称药师如来、大医王佛,为东方净琉璃世界之教主,《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》载,东方有世界净琉璃,佛号药师琉璃光如来,此佛行菩萨道时,发十二大愿,愿为众生解除疾苦,修道成佛,所以在佛教寺院的医学殿内也常供奉此像。“Buddhism, as one of the three major religions, has been around for more than 3,000 years, and Buddhism has been introduced into China for more than 2,000 years. The Buddha statue is the sculpture art that the Chinese people contact the widest and longest, supporting the whole sculpture system of ancient China. Among the many art categories, collecting Buddha statues can inspire respect. Ming yongle, glazed enamel gilt medicine Buddha.The statue of the Ming dynasty“Gilt Medicine Master Buddha” height: 21.5 cm; base diameter: 15 cm; tall and straight body, the proportion of each part of the accurate grasp, showing a very high modeling skills. Cyanotic green snail hair arranged neatly, top bun convex, top jewelry gilt gold top Yan. His face was plump, his eyes were slightly closed, his eyebrows were long and slender, his nose was firm, and his eyebrows and nose formed a beautiful curve, making him look exceptionally handsome. His aura was magnificent, and his expression was quiet and gentle, with a hint of a smile on his face, it symbolizes the tranquil and pure spiritual world within the Buddha. Wearing a flower ling, legs cross-legged sitting on the gilt inlaid lotus seat, hands supporting Medicine Bowl, . Zunsheng Chekhozi is a legendary medicine that can cure all diseases. In detail, although it is hard to work because of the hard and brittle texture of the glaze, this statue is very detailed and vivid, with fine depiction, hair count, fine and smooth dress patterns, fine polishing, and a clear and clear look, there are faint colorful light, solemn and solemn, full of realism and vitality. Medicine Master Buddha is the master of the eastern pure glazed world. This pharmacist Buddha body enamel gilt, holding the pot with both hands, high bun, face shape plump, nose towering, slightly curved mouth, full chin. Large ears and close to the face, calm and natural manner. Pleated clothes depict smooth and natural, “Cao Yi out of the water,” the style of the statue faintly seen. Master Yao Shi Buddha, also known as Master Yao Tathāgata and Great Doctor Wang Buddha, was the master of the eastern pure glazed Bhaisajyaguru world. According to “The Bhaisajyaguru”, there is a pure glazed world in the east with the name of Buddha, when this Buddha practice the bodhisattva way, sends the 12 big wishes, is willing to relieve the suffering for all living beings, cultivates the Buddha, therefore frequently worships this image in the Buddhist Temple's Medicine Hall.