丁敬雕刻田黄印章 两枚

丁敬雕刻田黄印章 两枚


藏 品:丁敬雕刻田黄印章 两枚

編 號:6125



規 格:H:9.8cm、10cm Wt:153g、473g




田黄石套章。自古道“一两田黄十两金” 此品为两件套章用上好田黄石雕琢而成,主章器面以薄意技法构图,石质纯净无暇,肌理温润通灵如凝脂,画风布局依石就形,静穆的古树参天入云,人物刻画谈笑风生,意境深遂。印文篆刻丁敬,清代著名书画家,篆刻家,技法风格独特,其印谱被海内奉为圭臬,日本名士也以高价购买。此品材质精良,刻画精细,堪称是珠联壁合之罕见佳作!Tian Huangshi sets the seal. From the ancient road, "oneortwo Tianhuang and twelve liang of gold" is a two-piece set of seals carved from fine Tianhuang stone. The main seal surface is composed of thin meaning techniques. The stone is pure and flawless, and the texture is warm and smooth. The layout of the painting style is based on the stone. The quiet ancient trees are towering into the clouds, and the characters are painted with a deep artistic conception. Ding Jing, a famous calligrapher, painter and seal engraver in the Qing Dynasty, has unique techniques and styles. His seal script is regarded as the standard at home, and Japanese celebrities also buy it at a high price. This product has excellent material and fine depiction. It can be called a rare masterpiece of talented people or beautiful things!