


藏 品:吴昌硕雕刻田黄印章

編 號:6124



規 格:H:7.8cm Wt:199g




此品采用“石中之王”上等田黄精制而成,长方形,素面,作者为著名画家及金石家“吴昌硕”,印文"崔吉"字体规整,刀法使用“单刀、双刀、切刀等技法,其充分表现了了印章中的书法,章法,相当于笔法中有刀,刀中有笔,吴昌硕不同于他人之处,就是刀、笔互见融为一体。不论是章法、刀法、边款、都各具特点,刀法娴熟方圆互动,有其独到之处。此田黄冻石质通灵纯美,质地细腻凝结,温润而柔滑,通透明媚,明艳的黄色瑰丽无比,天生带有帝王之气,田黄列代视为皇家珍宝,弥足珍贵,恬静疏旷,极具“颜骨赵姿”之风,天然优质的材料与精堪的刀工,意趣盎然,高贵典雅,是良工与美石的完美结合,具有极高的收藏价值。This product is refined from the "king of stones" superior Tianhuang. It is rectangular and plain. The author is "WuChangshuo", a famous painter and expert in the field of epigraphy. The seal "Cui Ji" has a neat font, Use of sabre technique "The techniques of single knife, double knife and cutting knife fully express the calligraphy and composition in the seal, which is equivalent to a knife in the brush and a pen in the knife. WuChangshuo is different from others, that is, the knife and pen are integrated into each other. No matter the composition, the knife technique and the border style, they all have their own characteristics. The knife technique is skillful, interactive and unique. The Tianhuang frozen stone is flexible and pure, with fine and condensed texture, warm and smooth, transparent, beautiful and bright The yellow color is incomparably magnificent and naturally has the spirit of emperor. Tian Huang is regarded as a royal treasure by generations. It is very precious, quiet and open. It has the style of "beautiful bones and Zhao posture". The natural high-quality materials and exquisite knife work are full of interest, noble and elegant. It is a perfect combination of good work and beautiful stones, and has high collection value.