黄公望 书法

黄公望 书法


藏 品:黄公望 书法

編 號:2056



規 格:画painting:221×21.5cm 题跋Preface and postsc<x>ript:16×51.5cm、22×51.5cm




黄公望《行书》长卷。此作品落款黄公望,字子久。黄公望属于元代著名书画家,著名《富春山居图》的作者。此作品寄情瀚墨,以疏体写江河,用笔墨枯淡而见华溢,书法洒脱不拘,意境空疏,落笔出人意表。笔墨技法纯熟,疏密有致,用笔顿挫转折简约老练,洒脱而颇有灵气,令人心旷神怡。 黄公望具王骨赵意,在吸收赵孟頫行书妍秀风韵结体,又增加了苍劲之风,俊秀雅逸,浑厚华滋,字体聚散得宜、开合分明,点画用笔、端雅舒展、秀劲飘逸,观之格调清朗、赏心悦目,不失为明代书画大家备受后人追捧! 此长卷具有超然物外,意境深远,韵味悠长之美。从整体笔锋反映出黄公望熔铸主观情怀于观者朝向高深阔远的境地,从气韵笔法的最佳表现达到文人所追求的“平淡天真”,“萧条淡泊”最高审美艺术境界。长卷表面盖满历代帝王与收藏者之印,且有清代三位大师沈焯,沈铨,倪田题跋,黄公望存世书法作品极少,“堪称旷世之作,稀世珍宝”具有极高的历史价值,研究价值,艺术价值及收藏价值!

Huanggongwang's running script. This work was signed by huanggongwang, alias Zijiu. Huanggongwang is a famous calligrapher and painter of the Yuan Dynasty and the author of the famous painting Fuchun Mountain Residence. This work is based on ink and ink, and the writing is like a river flowing. It is full of talent when using ink and ink. The calligraphy is free and easy, and the artistic conception is quiet and far-reaching. The writing is unexpected. The technique of brush and ink is proficient, dense and elegant. It is simple, sophisticated, free and easy, and quite spiritual. It makes people relaxed and happy. Huanggongwang has the king's bone and Zhao's meaning. After absorbing the beautiful charm and style of Zhao Mengfu's running calligraphy, he has also increased the vigorous style. He is handsome, elegant, thick and colorful. The font is well dispersed, with clear opening and closing. He is elegant, elegant and elegant. His style is clear and pleasing to the eye. It can be said that he is a great calligrapher and painter of the Ming Dynasty who is highly sought after by later generations! This scroll has the beauty of detachment, profound artistic conception and long lasting appeal. Huang Gongwang's overall writing style reflects his subjective feelings towards the profound and broad position of the viewer. From the best performance of his style of writing, he has reached the highest aesthetic artistic realm of "plain innocence" and "depression and indifference" pursued by scholars. The surface of the scroll is covered with the seals of emperors and collectors of previous dynasties, and there are three masters in the Qing Dynasty, Shen Zhuo, Shen Quan, Nitian inscriptions and postscripts. There are very few surviving calligraphy works of huanggongwang. "It can be called an unparalleled work, a rare treasure" with high historical value, research value, artistic value and collection value!