


藏 品:中华民国纪念币3枚

編 號:5088



規 格:D:4cm Wt:27g




中华民国执政纪念币:此币制模精湛,人物面像栩栩如生,币正面铸“段祺瑞”半身西服像,上铸楷书“中华民国执政纪念币”九字,背面中央铸篆书“和平”二字,外围左右各铸一“嘉禾”纹饰,这反映了当时人民之心声,向望“和平”之意。此币是“段祺瑞”就任民国执政时用于馈赠参加其就职典礼时各界嘉宾的,其意彰显出他的执政理念是顺应民意所求“和平”的象征。 黎元洪光头开国纪念币壹圆:正面镌有黎元洪像,光头半身,上有“中华民国”四字,下为“开国纪念币”五字,背面中心为“壹圆”二字,以嘉禾托之,四周有英文字。图案精美,包浆浓厚自然。 民国十一年湖南省宪成立纪念壹圆银币:民国时期著名珍稀银币,民国十一年(1922年)由湖南造币厂铸造发行。铸额很小。银币正面中央镌嘉禾图及三横,珠圈外上镌“湖南省宪成立纪念币”,下镌“中华民国十一年一月一日”字样,左右两侧分别镌币值“壹圆”字样。银币背面中央珠圈内镌双旗和葵花,外围环镌“中华民国”和 “壹圆”的英文字样。传世包浆,极美品。 以上三枚钱币很有历史研究价值以及收藏价值和市场价值。Commemorative coins of the ruling of the Republic of China: this coin has exquisite mold and lifelike figures. On the front of the coin, there is a bust of "Duan Qirui" with nine characters of "commemorative coins of the ruling of the Republic of China" in regular script, on the back, there is a seal character "peace" in the center, and a "Jiahe" decoration on the left and right sides of the periphery, which reflects the aspirations of the people at that time and their desire for "peace". This coin was used by "Duan Qirui" as a gift to guests from all walks of life attending his inauguration ceremony when he took office in the Republic of China. It shows that his ruling philosophy is a symbol of "peace" that conforms to the public opinion. Li Yuanhong's bald head and half length commemorative coin: Li Yuanhong's statue is engraved on the front, with the words "Republic of China" on the top, the words "Founding commemorative coin" on the bottom, and the word "one yuan" in the center of the back, supported by Jiahe, surrounded by English characters. The pattern is exquisite and the coating is thick and natural. One dollar silver coin commemorating the founding of the constitution of Hunan Province in the 11th year of the Republic of China: a famous rare silver coin in the period of the Republic of China, which was minted and issued by Hunan Mint in the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922). The casting amount is very small. On the front of the silver coin, the Jiahe figure and three horizontal lines are engraved in the center, the "commemorative coin of the founding of the constitution of Hunan Province" is engraved outside the bead circle, the words "January 1, the 11th year of the Republic of China" are engraved below, and the words "one yuan" are engraved on the left and right sides respectively. On the back of the silver coin, double flags and sunflowers are inscribed in the central bead circle, and the English words "Republic of China" and "one circle" are engraved on the periphery. It's handed down to be a very beautiful product. The above three coins have great historical research value, collection value and market value.