清乾隆 《寿仙教徒》黄地填金梅瓶

清乾隆  《寿仙教徒》黄地填金梅瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 《寿仙教徒》黄地填金梅瓶

編 號:1117



規 格:H:21.0cm C:4.3cm B:8.4cm




宣窑品格之美,为有明一代之冠,其选料、製样、画器、无一不精,创新发明极多,器类与釉色之丰富,为此前所未经见,从而铸就中国陶瓷史上最辉煌的十年,其中兼备珐琅工艺者,极负盛名,终明之世,精光不泯,由此衍生出黄地填金者,更是宣窑最杰出之发明,开启後世低温色地装饰御瓷之先河。清宫内府典藏丰富的宣窑佳作, 以致雍乾二帝有着常人无法比拟的优势去领略宣窑之风采,感悟更在古人之上,如此所凝积的美学思想使得他们由钦慕古物转入摹古抒情之际,更具独特的艺术视野,往往撷其最精华之处组合化裁,既保留经典元素,又另见新意。
本品端庄典雅,挺拔饱满,外表装饰宣窑黄地之釉彩,以撷其苍妍璀璨之华贵。主题为《寿仙教徒》人物故事图,运用黄地填金描法,人物面部绘画柔美细腻,明暗有致,各种料色匹配和谐,以写实笔法描绘人物。配以仙桃吉树,风姿绰约,点染深沉,颇获宣青神髓,寓意吉祥,具有极高的艺术水平。纹饰之外皆敷设黄彩,色泽匀净明亮,极见精准细致,犹如纹饰镶嵌其中。据《乾隆三年造办处活计档 • 江西》记载,该年六月二十五日乾隆皇帝传旨御窑厂仿造一批前朝器皿,清单中就有“宣窑黄地填金《寿仙教徒》梅瓶一件”之记载。检阅公私典藏,未见与之相同者,拍卖参考北京保利国际拍卖有限公司2011年迎春季拍卖会,图录7103号。

The beauty of Xuanyao's character is the crown of the Ming dynasty. Its selection of materials, sample making, painting ware, all of them are excellent. It has made many innovations and inventions, and its rich wares and glaze colors are unprecedented, thus the most glorious ten years in the history of Chinese ceramics, including enamel craftsmen, extremely famous, the last Ming dynasty, the light is not lost, thus derived from the yellow earth fillers, xuanyao is the most outstanding invention, open later low-temperature color to decorate the royal porcelain of the first. The Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty had a rich collection of xuanyao masterpieces, so that the Yonggan two emperors had incomparable advantages to ordinary people to appreciate the style of xuanyao, and the perception was even higher than that of the ancients, the aesthetic ideas accumulated in this way make them change from admiring antiquities to imitating antiquities and expressing their emotions. They have a unique artistic vision and often use their best parts to combine and tailor their works, preserving both classical elements and new ideas. This product dignified and elegant, tall and full, the external decoration xuanyao yellow ground glaze color, to pick its Cangyan resplendent luxury. The theme of the painting is the plot of the characters in“The longevity immortals”, which uses the yellow earth gold-filling method to depict the characters' faces in a gentle and delicate way, with different shades of light and shade, and various materials and colors matching harmoniously, and depicts the characters in a realistic way. Matched with Xiantao auspicious tree, graceful and graceful, deep point dyeing, quite xuanqing essence, meaning auspicious, with a very high level of art. Outside the decoration are laid yellow color, color even and clean bright, extremely precise and meticulous, as if the decoration inlaid one. On June twenty-five of that year, Emperor Ganlong ordered the imperial kiln factory to copy a batch of utensils from the previous dynasty, the list has“Xuanyao yellow land fill gold, “Longevity Immortals,” a plum bottle,” the record. Review of public and private collections, not the same, Auction Reference Poly International Auction Co. , Ltd. . Beijing 2011 Spring Auction, Atlas No. 7103.