清乾隆 黄地洋彩锦上添花《万寿连延》螭耳瓶

清乾隆  黄地洋彩锦上添花《万寿连延》螭耳瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 黄地洋彩锦上添花《万寿连延》螭耳瓶

編 號:1116



規 格:H:32.5cm C:8.0cm B:11.8cm




本品于乾隆官窑之中堪称别致的洋彩佳器,其形尊贵秀挺,装饰雍容华丽,所绘缠枝花卉,多种颜色重叠接连,构图缜密紧凑,清晰有次,色调柔和微妙,口底为绿松石,形制与纹饰皆为乾隆时期景德镇御作经典样式, 此类工艺品中最具格调之御瓷佳作。蝙蝠盘绕于《万寿连延》图案周围,宛如青腾绕梁,其主题鲜明,寄寓福寿双全之意,寓意吉祥深远,实属罕见。参照台湾国立故宫藏乾隆九年磁胎洋彩黄地福寿纸缒瓶(廖宝秀著《华丽彩瓷-乾隆洋彩特展图录》,台北,2008年,图版32,页281),其纹饰布局及绘风颇有异曲同工之妙。本品尊贵典雅,釉彩妍美多姿,彰显出无与伦比的艺术魅力,尤以黄地珍罕程度必为世人所推崇。检阅公私典藏,未见与之相同者,拍卖参考北京保利国际拍卖有限公司2010年五周年春季拍卖会,图录4165号。

Emperor Qianlong, fine porcelain art, Governor Tang Ying painstakingly, imitating ancient and modern, set the famous kiln of the past, including the finest Chinese and foreign artifacts, cast a once-in-a-lifetime glory. Emperor Qianlong loved a wide range of skills to the imperial kiln factory craftsmen, to porcelain for the body, laying colored glaze, learn from the west, then into a foreign color, is a famous product for Chinese colored porcelain. Based on the Beijing Imperial Palace Workshop, Zha Dao Jindi is a decorative art of carving formal patterns on the glazed floor. Its patterns are often patterned with brocade patterns such as flowers and plants. In Jingdezhen, this style has gradually become mainstream and is becoming more sophisticated, with the needle sharp carved delicate fine phoenix tail lines, as gorgeous as the Qiao. This product is a unique foreign color ware in Qianlong official kiln. It has noble and elegant shape, elegant and gorgeous decoration, twining flowers painted in various colors, overlapping and connecting, careful and compact composition, clear and occasional, soft and subtle color tone, the base of the mouth is turquoise, and the shape and decoration are the classic styles made in Jingdezhen during the Qianlong period. The bat is wrapped around the design of“Long Life”, like the green teng around the beam, its theme is clear, the meaning of both blessing and longevity, meaning auspicious far-reaching, it is rare. In reference to the paper flakes made of colored yellow paper from the ninth year of the Qianlong Reign in the National Palace Museum of Taiwan (Liao bao-xiu, gorgeous colored porcelain-special exhibition of the Qianlong Reign, Taipei, 2008, plates 32, pp. 281) , its decorative patterns and painting style are quite similar. This product is distinguished and elegant, glazed Yan beautiful, showing unparalleled artistic charm, especially the rare degree of Huangdi will be respected by the world. Review of public and private collections, not the same, Auction Reference Poly International Auction Co. , Ltd. . Beijing fifth anniversary of the Spring 2010 auction, Catalogue No. 4165.