清乾隆 御制胭脂红地番莲花卉套炉钧釉太平有象转心瓶

清乾隆 御制胭脂红地番莲花卉套炉钧釉太平有象转心瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 御制胭脂红地番莲花卉套炉钧釉太平有象转心瓶

編 號:1006



規 格:H:41cm





最为稀有绝妙处,乃其腹部可轻轻旋转,炉钧之色,古雅悠然,缓缓转动间,静谧中蕴流淌之感,似云霞瀑布,华丽洋彩上下衬饰,如清雅的画轴,辅以华美的锦缎。 存世之转心瓶中,多满布洋彩,粉彩装饰,以单色釉相配,存世不过几件,可谓凤毛麟角。色釉与洋彩相配,兼具端秀静雅与富丽华贵。留存至今的转心瓶数量极少。足内松石绿地青花书「大清乾隆年制」六字三行篆书款。 参阅: 香港苏富比,2011年4月8日,编号3072(HK$70,100,000成交) 北京保利,2021年12月5日,编号5537(CNY$82,225,000成交)

This revolving vase is about 41 centimeters hight. The Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty felt great admiration for the revolving vase, which is rare and precious, and it is a marvelous work of Tang Ying, the famous supervision of pottery. Carmine red ground and the rolling process taps the phoenix-tail-shaped curly grass pattern. The brocade ground is gorgeous, and It is lined with colorful flowers, graceful lilies, and interspersed chrysanthemum and deformed banana leaf patterns. The golden and bright ruyi cloud pattern embossed in a circle. The elephant ears on both sides are vivid, the painting is delicate, the hair is completely visible, the eyes are full of joy. The flambe glaze is blended by the bright turquoise green and blue, vertical flow is like a waterfall, a peak, a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors, and it seems integrated the spirit of Heaven and Earth with the beauty of speechlessness, which is especially precious. The most rare and wonderful thing is that its abdomen can be gently rotated, the color of the flambe glaze is quaint and leisurely, and when it rotates slowly, there is a feeling of flowing in the tranquility, likes a waterfall in the clouds, and the top and bottom are decorated with gorgeous colors, such as an elegant painting scroll with gorgeous brocade. Most of the remain revolving vases are covered with foreign colors, decorated with pastels, and matched with monochrome glazes. The single color of glaze matches the foreign color, which is both elegant and luxurious. Very few revolving vases have remained to this day, which has high significance and collocation value. Reference: Sotheby's Hong Kong, 8th April 2011, lot 3072 (sold for HK$70,100,000) Beijing Poly, December 5, 2021, lot 5537 (sold for CNY¥82,225,000)