


藏 品:大明成化年制款斗彩海象纹碗一对

編 號:LOT012



規 格:H:5cm D:12cm




此斗彩碗圆口,弧形壁,圈足,器底书青花双框六字“大明成化年制”款,字体隽秀笔道纤细,青花淡雅。其造型规整,胎体轻薄、灵巧,从器底可窥见内绘纹饰,胎质细腻,抚之如玉,釉质润泽,碗壁以青花淡描海水纹,画面以红黄绿主色调平涂海象云朵纹,其造型轻盈优美,青花淡恬幽雅,彩绘绚丽清新,画笔生动传神,色彩明丽悦目,相得益彰,海象纹象征着平安祥瑞、天下太平,此器物可谓是独具一格,传世的成化瓷器数量极其稀少,所以价值弥足珍贵千金难求。The bowl has a round mouth, curved wall, round feet, blue and white double frame and six characters of "Ming Dynasty Chenghua year system" on the bottom. The font is meaningful, the pen is slim, and the blue and white is elegant. Its shape is regular, and its carcass is light and delicate. From the bottom of the vessel, you can see the inner painted patterns. The body is delicate, caressing like jade, and the glaze is moist. The wall of the bowl is painted with blue and white sea patterns, and the picture is painted with red, yellow and green walrus cloud patterns. Its shape is light and beautiful, and the blue and white flowers are quiet and elegant. The color paintings are gorgeous and fresh. The brush is vivid and vivid, and the color is bright and pleasing. Walrus patterns complement each other, and walrus patterns symbolize flat The ware is unique in its unique nature, and the number of porcelain produced by the world is extremely rare, so its value is precious and difficult to obtain.