纯天然超级圣玛利亚玛瑙项链、手镯、手链 三件一套

纯天然超级圣玛利亚玛瑙项链、手镯、手链 三件一套


藏 品:纯天然超级圣玛利亚玛瑙项链、手镯、手链 三件一套

編 號:5106



規 格:项链:58颗 D:1.4cm Wt:230g 手镯:I.D:6.1cm Wt:46g 手链:10颗 1.3cm×1.9cm Wt:52g




这款纯天然超级圣玛利亚玛瑙项链、手镯和手链三件一套,从材质到设计都透露出一种优雅与高贵。超级圣玛利亚玛瑙,‌以其稀有的颜色和产量,‌成为了珠宝市场中的“优质股”。‌它不仅具备美丽的外观,‌还因其稀少而具有极高的收藏价值。‌超级圣玛利亚玛瑙的珍贵性不仅体现在其颜色上,‌还在于其产量稀少,‌使得每一件相关的珠宝都显得尤为独特和珍贵。‌玛瑙本身具有独特的纹理和色彩,使每一件饰品都显得独一无二。此套饰品做工精细,适合在各种场合佩戴,无论是日常出行还是参加正式活动,都能展现出佩戴者的品味与气质。同时,玛瑙也具有一些神秘的能量,据说能够带来好运和正能量,这也为这款饰品增添了一些神秘的魅力。是一款兼具美观与神秘力量的饰品,值得拥有。 This pure natural super Santa Maria agate necklace, bracelet, and bracelet set of three exudes elegance and nobility from material to design. Super Santa Maria agate, with its rare color and production, has become a "premium stock" in the jewelry market. It not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has extremely high collection value due to its rarity. The preciousness of Super Santa Maria Agate is not only reflected in its color, but also in its rare production, making every related piece of jewelry particularly unique and precious. Agate itself has a unique texture and color, making every piece of jewelry look one-of-a-kind. This set of jewelry is finely crafted and suitable for wearing in various occasions, whether it's daily travel or attending formal events, it can showcase the wearer's taste and temperament. Meanwhile, agate also possesses some mysterious energy, which is said to bring good luck and positive energy, adding some mysterious charm to this jewelry. It is an accessory that combines beauty and mysterious power, worth owning.
