


藏 品:极乐世界图

編 號:3109



規 格:W:70cm、L:135cm




本品以浅墨敷底,复泼以石青、石绿、白粉、朱砂,色彩对比大胆,沉着艳丽,色墨随机流动,在堆叠间形象自生,若隐若现,典雅从容,画面中精确地表达出光线层次的变化,让人感受到清新雅适与光影幻化,融合,色、墨随着水分的扩散而流动弥漫于整幅画面之间,绿水清艳的自然之美,多以幻化的墨色和矿物彩揉合在一起,整张画作看似仍然保持着湿润,云雾氤氲,令人有清凉的感觉,山顶迎著光,似乎景致可以无限的延伸,山外有山,在传统与现代、抽象与具象的融合中取得了协调和谐的效果,其选用石青石绿矿物颜料的效果尤见特出,因色泽厚实,富质感而历久不褪,故重彩泼洒画上形成坚实厚重的块面,如宝石般灿烂夺目,在灯光照耀下,映射出闪烁辉芒,堂煌亮丽的装饰性尤见凸显,可知他对色彩的运用已臻炉火纯青之境界。This product is coated with light ink on the base, and then splashed with stone green, stone green, white powder, and cinnabar. The color contrast is bold, calm and bright, and the color and ink flow randomly. The image emerges naturally in the stacking, appearing and disappearing, elegant and calm. The picture accurately expresses the changes in light levels, making people feel fresh and elegant, and the light and shadow transform and blend together. The color and ink flow and diffuse throughout the entire picture with the diffusion of water. The natural beauty of green water is often blended with the transformed ink color and mineral color. The entire painting seems to still be moist, with clouds and mist, giving a cool feeling. The mountain top faces the light, and it seems that the scenery can extend infinitely. There are mountains outside, achieving a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity, abstraction and concreteness. The use of stone green mineral pigments is particularly outstanding due to their thick color, Rich in texture and lasting for a long time, the heavy colors are sprinkled on the painting to form solid and thick blocks, shining brightly like gemstones. Under the illumination of light, they reflect sparkling brilliance, highlighting the bright decorative nature of the painting. It can be seen that his use of color has reached a state of perfection.