


藏 品:汗血宝马图

編 號:3091



規 格:L:136cm、W:68cm




本画笔墨酣畅淋漓,一气呵成,简单的线条将柔韧的踝关节和坚硬的蹄子等体面转折关系惟肖惟妙地刻划出来,达到尽微致广的境界,画面中,徐悲鸿不仅充分发挥传统笔墨的轻重、疾徐、枯湿、浓淡、疏密、聚散的节奏韵律的抒情性,而且充分掌握笔墨作为“造型语言”的严格写生、写实的造型性,使两者巧妙地合而为一,标志著中西融合的艺术理论和理想在创作实践中的最高成就,以西方写实主义造型规律进行笔墨组织的独特语言,率笔勾勒加大写意渲染造型,每一笔每一墨,既符合体积、比例、质感、透视、空间等西方造型规律,以带魏碑兼草隶的书法笔意勾画出马的躯干,再借大笔挥洒,写出马尾及鬃,最后用水墨晕染,寥寥几笔即表现出奔马瞬间的动感。The ink and brush in this painting are vivid and seamless, with simple lines vividly depicting the graceful turning points of flexible ankle joints and hard hooves, achieving a state of minimal to extensive expression. In the painting, Xu Beihong not only fully utilizes the lyrical rhythm and rhythm of traditional ink and brush, but also fully grasps the strict sketching and realistic modeling of ink and brush as the "language of modeling", cleverly combining the two, marking the highest achievement of the fusion of Chinese and Western artistic theories and ideals in creative practice. The unique language of ink and brush organization is based on the rules of Western realism, and the strokes are used to outline and render the modeling with freehand brushwork. Each ink conforms to Western modeling principles such as volume, proportion, texture, perspective, and space, Using a calligraphy style with a Wei stele and cursive script, the horse's torso is outlined. Then, with a large brush stroke, the ponytail and mane are written, and finally, ink and wash are used to blend them together. With just a few strokes, the dynamic of the galloping horse is portrayed.