张大千 云峰旷日 四条屏

张大千 云峰旷日 四条屏


藏 品:张大千 云峰旷日 四条屏

編 號:3051



規 格:116×30cm




此山水四条屏作品,气势宏伟,画面山水为主题,融合远山近景,自上而下远山耸立,苍松高瞻,云海自山涧升腾,水上渔船横渡,山中游人闲逸或停驻观景或悠然前行,画中人与画外人同观一景,山下流水潺潺树影摇曳,远观近赏皆宜。画作意境深远,大块泼彩泼墨酣畅淋漓,风景瑰丽,色彩丰富,细部简洁用笔凌厉精准,意境表现力和感染力强,书法筋骨有力却潇洒飘逸,外柔内刚风采不凡。张大千,名爰,号大千居士,四川内江人。中国近现代著名画家,是二十世纪中国画坛影响巨大,又最为传奇的国画大师,在绘画、书法、篆刻、诗词方面都有一定造诣。因其诗、书、画与齐白石、溥心畬齐名,故被称为“南张北齐”和“南张北溥”。此组四条屏作品为张大千典型风格,极具艺术价值与收藏价值。This landscape four screen artwork is magnificent, with the theme of mountains and waters, blending distant mountain close ups. From top to bottom, the distant mountains stand tall, with towering pines and a sea of clouds rising from the mountain stream. Fishing boats cross over the water, and tourists in the mountains relax or stop to enjoy the scenery. The people in the painting and those outside the painting enjoy the scenery together. The flowing water at the foot of the mountain sways and the shadows of trees sway, making it suitable for both distant and close viewing. The painting has a profound artistic conception, with large blocks of splashed colors and ink flowing freely. The scenery is magnificent, the colors are rich, the details are simple, and the strokes are sharp and precise. The artistic expression and infectiousness are strong, and the calligraphy is powerful yet elegant, with an extraordinary style of softness on the outside and rigidity on the inside. Zhang Daqian, also known as yuan and Daqian Jushi, is from Neijiang, Sichuan. A famous painter of modern and contemporary China, he was the most influential and legendary master of traditional Chinese painting in the 20th century. He had certain accomplishments in painting, calligraphy, seal carving, and poetry. Due to his poetry, calligraphy, and paintings being on par with Qi Baishi and Pu Xinyu, he is known as the "Southern Zhangbei Qi" and "Southern Zhangbei Pu". This set of four screen works is a typical style of Zhang Daqian, with great artistic and collectible value.