赵伯驹 停琴摘阮图

赵伯驹 停琴摘阮图


藏 品:赵伯驹 停琴摘阮图

編 號:3042



規 格:148.5×62cm




赵伯驹是南宋著名的画家,《停琴摘阮图》是一幅具有代表性的宋代人物画作品。这幅画描绘了文人士大夫在庭院中休闲、娱乐的场景,展现了当时文人雅士的生活情趣和高雅的艺术品味。 画中庭院布局雅致,树木葱郁,环境清幽。人物姿态各异,或坐或立,生动自然。 - 画面以停琴和摘阮(一种古代乐器)为主题,表现了文人士大夫对音乐艺术的热爱和追求。 人物形象刻画细腻,神态各异,通过面部表情和动作的描绘,传达出人物的内心情感和个性特点。 - 服饰描绘精致,色彩搭配和谐,展现了当时文人的服饰风尚和审美趣味。赵伯驹的笔法细腻流畅,线条准确有力,能够准确地捕捉到人物的动态和神韵。画面中的景物和人物都刻画得细致入微,具有很高的艺术价值。Zhao Boju was a famous painter of the Southern Song Dynasty, and this painting is a representative figure painting of the Song Dynasty. This painting depicts the scene of literati and scholars relaxing and entertaining in the courtyard, showcasing the lifestyle and elegant artistic taste of literati and scholars at that time. The courtyard layout in the painting is elegant, with lush trees and a serene environment. The characters have different postures, sitting or standing, vivid and natural. The screen is themed around stopping the qin and plucking the ruan (an ancient musical instrument), expressing the love and pursuit of literati and scholars for music art. The characterization of the characters is delicate, with various expressions and gestures, conveying their inner emotions and personality traits through the depiction of facial expressions and movements. The exquisite depiction of clothing and harmonious color matching showcase the fashion and aesthetic taste of literati at that time. Zhao Boju's brushwork is delicate and smooth, with accurate and powerful lines that can accurately capture the dynamics and charm of characters. The scenery and characters in the picture are portrayed in great detail and have high artistic value.