關山月 1982年作《嶺南風光》設 色紙本

關山月 1982年作《嶺南風光》設


藏 品:關山月 1982年作《嶺南風光》設 色紙本

編 號:3039



規 格:170×84cm




題識:一九八二年秋月畫此圖於珠江南岸關山月。 鈐印:漠陽(朱文)、關山月印(白文)、筆墨當隨時代(白文) 本品作於1982年秋月,作品於橫幅之上構圖,圖中山欒、峰石、叢林、水流交錯;遠處的山峰連綿不絕,虛實交錯,傍山的紅日熠熠生輝;中心處碧藍的江流中,有數艘帆船由遠致近而來,船尾身著藍色衣裳的人正撐杆眺望遠方,群鳥在半空中沿江而飛,呈現出一片歡快的生活景象;近處嶙峋的山石間,樹叢紅綠交映,層層茂密,飛瀑奔流而下,波瀾壯闊;縱觀整幅作品,筆墨蒼勁老辣,構圖氣勢磅礴,意境悠遠;從遠景到近景,水墨層次不斷變化,豐富且細膩;氤氳靈秀的嶺南山川風貌,行雲流水的快意抒發,最能表達出他對家鄉故土的摯愛情懷,正如廣東美術家協會主席李勁堃所說:“關山月的所有作品都充滿了對這片土地,對這片山河的眷戀”。 This product was made in the autumn moon of 1982, the work is composed on the banner, the picture is Zhongshan Luan, peak stone, jungle, water interleaving; The mountains in the distance are endless, false and solid, and the red sun beside the mountains is shining; In the middle of the blue river, several sailboats are approaching from far away. People in blue clothes at the back of the boat are gazing into the distance. Birds are flying along the river in mid-air, presenting a cheerful scene of life. Near the jagged mountains and rocks, the trees red and green, layers of thick, waterfalls rushing down, magnificent; Throughout the whole work, the ink is vigorous and old, the composition is majestic, and the artistic conception is distant; From the long view to the near view, the layers of ink are constantly changing, rich and delicate; The dense and beautiful scenery of Lingnan mountains and rivers, the happy expression of flowing water, can best express his love for his hometown, just as Li Jinkun, chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, said: "All the works of Guan Shanyuei are full of attachment to this land, to this mountain and river."