張大千 1937(丁醜年)作《仿石溪燕山圖》設色紙本

張大千 1937(丁醜年)作《仿石溪燕山圖》設色紙本


藏 品:張大千 1937(丁醜年)作《仿石溪燕山圖》設色紙本

編 號:3037



規 格:67×155cm




題識:丁醜五月仿石溪道人寫燕山三折瀑似百茀老長兄方家雅教。大千張爰時借居昆明湖上聽鶴館。 鈐印:張爰(朱文)、張大千(白文)、山水因緣等於婚媾(朱文)、大風堂(白文) 本品作於1937年,為早年師法石溪道人髡殘筆法的作品,畫面中描繪了兩位高士持杖站立在一山崖上觀瀑,只見遠山高聳入雲端,林木蔥郁,一道懸瀑沿山勢三折跌落,濺起陣陣白霧;整圖佈局雄奇中不失空靈,遠近層迭鋪陳,開和有序,層次井然,令人幽情思遠,如睹異境,頗得石溪道人畫意,而在章法佈置和筆墨色彩的運用上又融匯了自家之法;他下筆時無計較地理位置上之準確性,安排自然,下筆時手到擒來,筆墨涉石溪之形神,以幹濕反復點染,綿密緊湊,得蒼莽鬱茂之致,設色層層鋪染,山谷險峰,輪廓自生,益顯鐘靈毓秀。 This work was created in 1937, under the brush 髡殘 of Shixi Daoist in his early years. In the picture, two high scholars are standing on a cliff holding sticks to view a waterfall. They can see a distant mountain soaring into the clouds with lush trees, and a suspended waterfall falling three times along the mountain, splashing bursts of white mist; The layout of the whole picture is magnificent without being ethereal, the layers are laid out near and far, the opening and order, the level is orderly, which makes people think deeply, such as seeing different scenery, quite Shi Xi Dao people's painting, and in the arrangement of rules and the use of ink and ink color, and integrate their own method; When he wrote, he did not care about the accuracy of the geographical location, arranged nature, when he wrote, he was easy to get, the ink was related to the shape and spirit of the stone stream, with dry and wet repeatedly dyeing, dense and compact, resulting in a vast expanse of dark, colored layers, the valley and the dangerous peaks, the outline of its own, and the benefit of the Zhong Lingyu.