


藏 品: 白玉聚宝罐

編 號:2030



規 格:H:14cm、C:12cm




本品质地莹润,如脂若冰,工艺精湛,惟妙惟肖,雕琢生动有趣,表面包浆均匀润泽,晶莹剔透,雕刻刀法流畅深峻,弧度柔和优雅,整体造型稳重踏实,构思巧妙独特,艺术处理磅礴大气,不论在玉质选材,还是雕琢技艺上,无不采上乘之选,精雕细琢,用刀讲究,舒展精致,造型典雅,温润凝厚,色泽饱满浓郁,细腻温润,油性甚佳,周身多处带沁,稳重肃穆之感,其构思之巧,雕琢之妙,可谓匠心独运,充满活力与动感,造型大气磅礴,虽静犹动,刀工纯熟圆润,举重若轻,线条刚劲有力,充满神秘力量,似在诉说上古之悠远神迹,天然之沁色更显古雅逸趣,气势恢宏又肃穆沉静,堪为玉雕之翘楚。This quality is lustrous, as smooth as grease or ice, with exquisite craftsmanship, lifelike, vivid and interesting carving, even and moist surface coating, crystal clear, smooth and deep carving technique, soft and elegant curvature, stable and solid overall shape, clever and unique conception, magnificent and atmospheric artistic processing. Whether in jade material selection or carving skills, we always choose the best, exquisite carving, exquisite stretching, elegant shape, warm and thick, full and rich color, delicate and warm, with excellent oiliness. There is a sense of stability and solemnity in many parts of the body. Its clever conception and exquisite carving can be described as unique craftsmanship, full of vitality and dynamism. The shape is grand and majestic, even though it is still quiet. Moving, skilled and rounded in swordsmanship, effortlessly lifted, with strong and powerful lines, full of mysterious power, as if narrating ancient and distant miracles, The natural and refreshing color further enhances the ancient elegance and charm, with a grand and solemn atmosphere, making it a leader in jade carving.